Striae and hyperpigmentation: doctors spoke about modern problems of aesthetic medicine

Striae and hyperpigmentation: doctors spoke about modern problems of aesthetic medicine


On the eve of International Women’s Day, representatives of the aesthetic medicine industry spoke about the latest trends in beauty medicine as part of the traditional meeting of the discussion club “Beauty in Women’s Hands”.

White skin used to be in fashion, and women resorted to the most Jesuitical methods to achieve the effect of a porcelain doll. Consider the cost of lead white, dangerous to health, or corsets that tighten you to the point of fainting, with the help of which you could achieve an anemic appearance. Then natural skin came into fashion, but today, experts say, the concept of beauty is closely intertwined with the concept of general health. Therefore, a modern cosmetologist, dermatologist or plastic surgeon must have the skills of a therapist, endocrinologist or gynecologist. The experts touched on a variety of aspects of female beauty: skin, face, and body.

For example, Marina Petriy, a dermatovenereologist, employee of the Department of Cosmetology and Dermatology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Further Professional Education “TSGMA” of the UDP of the Russian Federation, spoke about such a common skin problem as stretch marks. “Essentially, these are atrophic scars in places where the skin is most stretched. These are stretch marks that remain forever and can have a negative impact on the quality of life,” says the expert.

Most often, stretch marks appear in women. They occur in pregnant women, teenagers, and even athletes. They may be associated with taking a number of medications or appear after surgery, as well as due to weight gain. Risk factors in women include age, high body mass index, smoking, polyhydramnios during pregnancy, genetic predisposition or hormonal changes. At first these are bright red stripes, but over time they turn into sinking ivory-colored lesions. “Physiological changes in the skin during pregnancy usually go away on their own, but stretch marks often remain. Today there are many methods for correcting stretch marks: methods aimed at restoring collagen production, reducing the severity of inflammation, and repigmenting lesions. But any effective treatment begins with prevention. During pregnancy, weight control, exercise, wearing compression garments and local therapy are important. It is also necessary to influence the causes of stretch marks – treatment of concomitant diseases. The earlier treatment is started, the better the result,” notes the specialist.

A young scientist and cosmetologist Anna Bezborodova spoke about such a common problem as hyperpigmentation. One of the most common types of hyperpigmentation today is melasma. Melasma is a chronic skin disease associated with excess melanin production (heredity, sun exposure, hormonal levels, oral contraceptives, or pregnancy play a role in its manifestation). Most often, people with skin phenotype 3–5 are prone to this disease; it occurs 9 times more often in women than in men

The disease is very widespread, so the problem of treatment is urgent. According to the expert, the treatment is aimed at eliminating inflammation and hypervascularization, as well as protecting against UV radiation. “Many people know the importance of sunscreen, but protection from HEV radiation (blue light, high-frequency high-energy light from various gadgets) is also extremely important. Today there are products with blue light protection. In addition, the treatment uses complex hardware, injections, treatment with external agents and maintenance therapy,” says Anna Bezborodova.

Cosmetologist and dermatovenerologist Anna Krylova said that hyperpigmentation does not spare anyone. However, patients often complain: no cosmetic procedures work against age spots. What is the problem? The fact is that treatment often lacks an integrated approach: often doctors, after performing manipulations, limit themselves to prescribing only SPF cream to the patient. Meanwhile, very often hyperpigmentation is accompanied by iron deficiency (its symptoms: early gray hair, hair loss, rosacea, dry skin, brittle nails, slow wound healing). In any case, the expert advises to carefully study the patient’s medical history and prescribe tests for the level of vitamins B and D. Two weeks before therapy, such patients should apply sunscreen, and also take omega-3 and vitamin C. Only then can injection treatment be carried out. And after it is carried out, you will have to use sunscreen for the rest of your life and avoid excessive sun exposure.

The most popular operation in the field of plastic surgery today is breast reconstructive surgery. Plastic surgeon Daria Kiseleva spoke about modern trends in this area. “In 2024, such operations are already commonplace in plastic surgery, especially in oncology. This is the stage of treatment for breast cancer,” says Dr. Kiseleva.

Talking about new trends, she notes the trend towards replacing like with like. To restore the mammary gland, skin flaps of the abdominal wall, lower back, thigh, and buttock are now transplanted. In addition, hybrid reconstruction is popular: for example, a patient undergoes lipolifting and breast reconstruction at the same time. Very soon, such operations will be performed by robotic surgeons, which can minimize access for harvesting the flap. The expert also notes the influence of social media: patients increasingly want to look better than before treatment, which encourages doctors to improve their professional skills. And finally: from year to year, such operations are increasingly carried out by representatives of the fair half of humanity: who, if not them, can understand what a woman really wants?

Many patients try to improve their appearance through plastic surgery, but sometimes complications arise after such operations. What is their reason, said Ekaterina Postnikova, a resident at the Department of Plastic Surgery at Sechenov University. When preparing for such an operation, the expert notes, it is necessary to compensate for all chronic diseases (arterial hypertension, diabetes, etc.). Two weeks before, stop taking aspirin, omega-3, anticoagulants, and hormonal contraceptives. But the main thing is that plastic surgery and smoking are incompatible. Smoking affects microcirculation, which during and after surgery can cause trophic disorders and serious complications. Therefore, you will have to stop smoking at least a month before the operation, and after the operation too. In addition, the doctor advises to be sure to notify the doctor about previously performed operations, fillers, liftings, etc.

“You shouldn’t hide your cosmetology background from your doctor,” the expert notes.

Aesthetic doctors today have a wide range of tools to make women not only stunning, but also healthy.

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 29230 dated March 6, 2024

Newspaper headline:
Things are like white skin


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