Stavropol gardeners ask to maintain preferential loan rates for the industry

Stavropol gardeners ask to maintain preferential loan rates for the industry


As Aidyn Shirinov, head of the Association of Nursery Growers and Gardeners of the Stavropol Territory, told Kommersant, the organization sent An appeal to the Minister of Agriculture of Russia Dmitry Patrushev with a request to maintain a preferential rate on investment and short-term loans for gardening. We are talking, among other things, about loans for planting perennial plantings, nurseries, construction and reconstruction of fruit storage facilities, and replenishing working capital.

In their appeal, the gardeners thank the head of the department for his assistance in the development of domestic horticulture and nursery farming, which made it possible to increase the share of Russian seedlings to 80% of the total volume and harvest more than 1.7 million tons of apples. However, according to the authors of the message, the indicators of self-sufficiency in fruits and berries included in the food security program do not yet reach even 50%.

In this regard, members of the Association ask to include investment loans and short-term loans for gardeners in the priority areas, which, in their opinion, “will help maintain the pace of development in the industry and achieve target indicators for the implementation of the Doctrine of Food Security.” At the same time, gardeners refer to government resolutions adopted in December 2016 and the Ministry of Agriculture, adopted in May 2022.

Why state support for the agro-industrial complex is concentrated in the least profitable industries – in the material of Kommersant “Agrarian Equation”.

Alexandra Larintseva, Pyatigorsk


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