State Duma deputy spoke about the right of summer residents to bury branches and foliage in special places

State Duma deputy spoke about the right of summer residents to bury branches and foliage in special places


Deputy Chaplin: summer residents can bury branches and foliage in specially designated places

State Duma deputy Nikita Chaplin explained what kind of garbage can be buried in the country. Branches and dry leaves can be poured into the pit. Construction waste must not be buried. The people’s choice, who is also the chairman of the Union of Summer Residents of the Moscow Region, spoke about this in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Chaplin explained that it is forbidden to bury construction debris and household waste, as this will lead to a violation of the environment. The soil will be contaminated. To take out the rubbish left after the construction, you need to call a special car. Tops from root crops, ashes from fuel combustion, bricks, drywall and concrete should not be dumped into garbage containers. All this must be taken out by separate cars.

He also recalled that it is possible to burn grass and branches on the site only under certain conditions. Open fire can be made 7.5 meters from the buildings, 50 meters from the coniferous forest and 15 meters from the deciduous.


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