Singer Lena Semenova called the top 3 rules of life: “I love people”

Singer Lena Semenova called the top 3 rules of life: “I love people”


A talented performer, vocal coach and blogger Lena Semenova spoke about her creative plans, her attitude to luck, and also shared her fears with MK.

Lena, let’s go back in time for a moment. When you first started your creative path, did you have any fears? And do they exist today?

An artist always has fears. And only if the desire to stand on stage and be heard by the audience is stronger than fear, the artist slowly moves forward. At the age of 30, I started my journey as a solo artist with an author’s program. It was scary, but 11 author’s songs behind them say that the fears were groundless. Today I am opening my “vocal class” in Mytishchi, and I am also scared. But there are students nearby who support and believe in me as a teacher, as a person. They are confident in my professionalism. Therefore, away fears, “ONLY FORWARD”!

– Can you call yourself demanding of yourself? Do you ever feel dissatisfied with yourself after a performance?

I am a perfectionist, and, of course, I am always focused on the result. I always find shortcomings in the performance of songs, both in myself and in others. But I also understand what path has been traveled. With each appearance on the stage, with each new student, self-confidence and vocal mastery grows at times, and dissatisfaction with oneself disappears.

– What is your attitude to modern performers? Are there those who impress?

I am a person born in the USSR, brought up on Pugacheva, Dolina and Alegrova, on Whitney Houston and Celine Dion. I am for the text in the song and for the melodic line. Unfortunately, I don’t really know any of the contemporary performers. Of the new names, SHAMAN and Diana Ankudinova impress. These are really bright, noteworthy voices.

– How do you look at the “liberties” that many artists allow themselves today? Do you mean the use of obscene language, for example?

My musical upbringing does not allow me to pronounce such expressions from the stage. A song is a mini story that an artist brings to the listener, and if there is obscene language in this story, then this is not my story. I always pass by such performers. It is better to listen to something from the Soviet stage, and enrich yourself spiritually! Still, there was a lot of censorship back then.

– How much do you think luck plays in creativity and in life in general? Or is everyone the blacksmith of his own happiness?

Hard to tell. Of course, luck is a cool thing, but if you sit and do nothing, it is unlikely that it will fall on you. Therefore, each person must move in the direction of his dreams, and then how lucky.

Tell us about your goals and dreams. What are your plans for the end of the year?

Now I am working and developing my vocal school – this is a community of singing people of different ages. I will put the voice from scratch, help to be liberated on the stage. I want more and more people around to be able to manifest themselves, to run away from their everyday life for the duration of classes into the world of creativity and self-realization. The scene heals and inspires. But only those who stood on it know about it!

What advice would you give to aspiring performers?

Work, work and work again. In my practice, I am faced with the fact that students do not have enough motivation to win competitions, to prove that they are the best in their age category. There should always be “your personal engine” inside. Faith in yourself is very important. Look for your individuality. There is no need to lose yourself in the pursuit of vocal technical characteristics. Unless, of course, you are a parody artist.

– What are your top 3 rules of life?

1 rule: every day with love to go into this world. I love people and they love me back. Rule 2: Improve your strengths daily. This applies to both professional growth and self-development. Rule 3: every day is unique, and you need to live it to the maximum. Then life will be rich, and life will be interesting!


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