Shoigu said there is no urgent need for new volunteers in the special operation zone

Shoigu said there is no urgent need for new volunteers in the special operation zone


To date, 114,000 people have signed contracts with the Ministry of Defense, and 52,000 volunteers have been recruited, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said at a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and permanent members of the Security Council. According to him, there is no need for new volunteers.

“Today, if we talk about the formation of reserves under the contract, as of this morning, 114,000 people have been recruited, this is through direct contact, and plus 52,000 are volunteers. By volunteers <...> I want to note their highest motivation. They, as volunteers, so to speak, naturally rush into battle, but we cannot do this, firstly, there is no urgent need for this, ” said He.

Earlier today the Ministry of Defense reportedthat the number of volunteer units that have signed contracts with the defense department has already exceeded 20. These contracts determine the legal regulation and activities of such units in the zone of the special operation, and also apply state social protection and support measures to all volunteers and members of their families, the Ministry of Defense added.

On June 10, it became known that Shoigu signed an order on the conclusion by volunteer detachments of a contract with the Ministry of Defense before July 1. This will give them “the necessary legal status, create common approaches to the organization of comprehensive support and the fulfillment of their tasks,” the department explained.

Russia’s special operation in Ukraine began on February 24, 2022. Putin named its goals the protection of the inhabitants of Donbass, as well as the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine. During the special operation, Russian troops took control of the LPR, as well as most of the DPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. Subsequently, these territories became part of Russia, and on October 19 martial law was introduced in the regions.


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