Scientists have partly refuted the idea of ​​the “most peaceful” monkeys

Scientists have partly refuted the idea of ​​the “most peaceful” monkeys


Scientists have partly refuted the idea that bonobos are the “most peaceful” monkeys

Zoologists from the USA and France have concluded that bonobos are about three times more likely to show aggression towards each other than chimpanzees, although they are considered much more “peace-loving”.

Most often, fights or attacks and chases occurred when two male bonobos met. Fights between males accounted for 81.2 percent of the total. In chimpanzees, males attacked other males only about twice as often as females. The difference that explains the bonobo’s reputation was the less “intense” fighting, which allowed both sides to remain safe.

Scientists also concluded that bonobos that were successful in battle were more popular with females.


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