Scientists have named a condition under which sex extends life years

Scientists have named a condition under which sex extends life years


Bed pleasures can also bring harm

It has long been known that an active intimate life improves health and gives a person, in addition to pleasure, additional years of life. But only now scientists from Columbia University (USA) have established exactly how to have sex in old age so that it brings maximum benefits.

The main positive factors are considered to be moderate physical activity that a person experiences during sex, as well as testosterone levels, which are significantly higher in those men who are sexually active than in single men. Moreover, sex in old age significantly improves the condition of the cerebral cortex, as a result of which sexually active men are less likely to suffer from senile dementia, treat the world around them with interest, and participate in public life.

Another factor is that regular ejaculation helps the body cleanse itself of carcinogens. In addition, sex strengthens the immune system and is also a good remedy for depression, since the process produces serotonin, the “happiness hormone.”

“But all this works under one condition – a man who leads an intimate life in old age must have a permanent partner who is positively disposed towards him,” psychologist and sexologist Oleg Shevchenko explains the results of an American study. – Because for older people it is especially important that intimate life gives only positive emotions. And in cases where partners change, stress is inevitable – even if everything goes off without misfires, which in itself is rare. You have to adapt to a new person, it causes stress. And stress is extremely harmful, especially in old age, and if it also accompanies the pleasures of bed, it is doubly dangerous due to the fact that at this moment the body is experiencing physical stress.”


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