Scientists have discovered the worst and best times of day: mood changes

Scientists have discovered the worst and best times of day: mood changes


5 am and 5 pm were the main factors in the study

Scientists have found that 5 a.m. is officially the worst time of day based on mood, circadian clock and other factors, according to the study.

Researchers from the University of Michigan and Dartmouth Health found that 5 a.m. was the time when respondents reported their worst mood, regardless of when they got up. On the contrary, 5 pm is the time when most people are in their highest spirits.

“Mood naturally changes from its lowest in the morning to its highest in the evening, regardless of sleep deprivation,” explained psychiatrist Benjamin Shapiro.

Scientists have discovered that mood follows a rhythm linked to the body’s internal clock, and the influence of this clock increases the longer a person stays awake. Danny Forger and his team came to this conclusion after analyzing Fitbit data from 2,602 intern doctors over two years. They used the health tracking device’s results to assess participants’ steady-state heart rate, step count, sleep data and daily mood scores. Meanwhile, measuring heart rate allowed scientists to estimate their circadian timing as well as their waking time.

The researchers found that, along with the aforementioned time-mood correlation, their mental health worsened the longer they stayed awake.

“Lack of sleep is a separate process that further lowers mood,” Shapiro explained. “So a person who is up all night at 5 a.m. should be in an even lower mood than if they just woke up at 5 a.m.” He added: “However, on a normal day their mood at 5am will still be lower than in the evening.”

The team analyzed a fairly small sample under simulated laboratory conditions. According to the results, this may not accurately reflect the complexity and nuance of mood changes and how they are influenced by factors such as social dynamics, schedules and temperaments. For example, the scientists noted that several participants did not sleep more than 18 hours during the day. However, they believe the study demonstrates how a non-invasive digital tool such as Fitbit can be used effectively in a clinical setting.

Forger acknowledges that it “represents an exciting new way of studying these factors in mental health.”


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