Scientists discover mutation that ‘breaks’ Venus flytrap’s trap

Scientists discover mutation that 'breaks' Venus flytrap's trap


German scientists have identified a mutation in the plant “Venus flytrap” (Dionaea muscipula), which deprives it of the ability to receive electrical impulses. They arise when falling into the trap of the victim.

Usually there are three or four very sensitive sensory hairs on the halves of the trapping leaf. The trap closes only on the second touch. An insect crawling inside causes subsequent triggers, and the plant begins to release jasmonic acid, digestive compounds are produced, and the trap closes hermetically.

The mutant form of the flycatcher does not close the trap properly and does not trigger the digestive mechanisms. The researchers called this phenomenon dyscalculia (DYSC). At the same time, the plant retains the ability to perceive the touch of prey.

It turned out that the mutation is caused by certain decoder molecules that modify the effector proteins necessary for the production of jasmonic acid.

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