Schoolchildren from the Ketchenerovsky district of Kalmykia competed in “Fun Starts”

Schoolchildren from the Ketchenerovsky district of Kalmykia competed in “Fun Starts”


Today, on the basis of the Ketchener Multidisciplinary Gymnasium, the “Fun Starts” sports relay race was held among students of the Ketchener Children’s and Youth Sports School.

All stages of “Funny Starts” took place in a tense struggle. Divided into teams, young athletes competed in speed, agility and teamwork.

As a result, the Patriots (Ketcheners) team took first place in terms of total victories.

Altan Mandzhiev was noted in the “Youngest Participant” nomination; “The most dexterous participant” – Kristina Boktaeva; “For the will to win” – Altana Karueva.

Members of the parent committee of the Youth Sports School took an active part in the competition.

All participants showed perseverance, endurance, and persistently rushed forward to victory. They are rewarded with diplomas and sweet prizes.


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