Russian bast shoes will come to school halls

Russian bast shoes will come to school halls


“City”, “suburb”, “kon” and other terms from Russian bast shoes will enter the lexicon of Russian schoolchildren before the end of the school year. The Ministry of Education responded to the proposals of teachers and promised the appearance of a module for this game in physical education classes.

Sport lapta Photo: RUSLAPTA.RU

Supporters of the introduction of a new sport into the program have long been talking about its advantages – you can play both on the street and in the hall, and the purchase of equipment does not require large funds. Indeed, it is enough just to have a few wooden bats of different lengths and a tennis ball.

The Federation of Russian Lapta of Russia raised the issue of introducing the module four years ago, and its approval, according to the official response, was expected in 2022-2025. And here, it seems, the principle worked: better sooner than never!

Georgy Morozov.



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