Remains of the very first people on Earth discovered in Kenya

Remains of the very first people on Earth discovered in Kenya


Archaeologists have found the remains of the very first people on planet Earth in Kenya.

Archaeological excavations in Kenya attracted the attention of researchers when the remains of the first people who inhabited our planet were discovered. These finds were made on the coast of Lake Turkana and are about 1.86 million years old, writes

Scientists believethat the fossil remains belong to the species Homo erectus, the first hominid whose anatomy closely resembles modern humans. The discovery raises speculation that Homo erectus may be the ancestor of intelligent Homo sapiens. The appearance of Homo erectus probably occurred about 2 million years ago, but scientists have very little information about the origin of this species and its subsequent evolution.

It is important to note that in the second half of the 20th century, traces of Homo erectus were discovered in East Turkana. Now, based on the discovered remains of the skull, an age estimate of about 1.9 million years has been made. However, doubts have arisen regarding the accuracy of determining the age of this find. Later, researchers, having discovered the specific location of the skull, were able to analyze the soil layers. The analysis did not reveal traces of younger rocks in the area of ​​the discovery, which confirms the assumption of an age of about 1.9 million years.

During the latest excavations, experts discovered part of the pelvis and fragments of fingers, presumably belonging to an ancient hominid. These findings add new pieces to the puzzle of the human past and help scientists better understand the course of evolution.


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