Radical measures will be taken against “kitchen boxers” in Kazakhstan

Radical measures will be taken against “kitchen boxers” in Kazakhstan


In Kazakhstan, family aggressors will be able to be temporarily evicted from their home by court decision

In Kazakhstan, family aggressors will be able to be temporarily evicted from their home if such a decision is made by the court, said Renat Zulkhairov, deputy head of the administrative police committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic.

The authorities plan to criminalize intentional infliction of minor bodily harm and battery. As part of the special requirements for the behavior of the offender, as Zulkhairov said, the court is given the right to temporarily evict the aggressor from the home. In exchange, he will be offered to “temporarily think about his actions” in social adaptation centers.

In addition, medicine will also join in. Thus, the court will have the right to order the aggressor to undergo mandatory psycho-correction courses in healthcare organizations in Kazakhstan, Zulkhairov noted at a briefing, commenting on the topic of domestic violence, which has recently become widely discussed in the country.


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