Putin explained his understanding of the phrase “being Russian” – Kommersant

Putin explained his understanding of the phrase “being Russian” – Kommersant


Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a meeting of the World Russian People’s Council (VRNS), said that nationality imposes on Russians the responsibility for preserving Russia. The Russian world, according to him, unites bearers of the same history and culture.

“Being Russian is, first of all, a responsibility. I repeat, there is a huge responsibility for saving Russia. This is where true patriotism lies,” the president said (quoted by “RIA News”).

Vladimir Putin added that the Russian world unites the entire history of the country. Modern Russia, as he said, “returns, strengthens and multiplies its sovereignty as a world power.” The Russian world, according to the president, unites people “regardless of nationality or religious affiliation.”

Patriarch Kirill, during his speech at the council, noted that the formula of the Russian world consists of “cultural diversity from the Roman to the Russian world.” He called the revival of the traditional family and “saving the people” the key to the country’s development. According to the patriarch, no means should be spared to achieve these goals.

VRNS is a forum that is held annually under the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church. In 2023 it takes place on November 27-28 in Moscow. On the eve of the cathedral events were held in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, today’s meeting was held in the Kremlin Palace.


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