Putin dealt a new blow to foreign agents: they will lose the most important thing

Putin dealt a new blow to foreign agents: they will lose the most important thing


“The more he declares his patriotism, the less patriotic he is.”

Putin signed a law banning advertising by foreign agents. Advertising the information resources of foreign agents in the media is also prohibited. Which is, of course, wonderful – in the world of these people, “where there is nothing serious except money,” only such measures work. And, of course, it is significant that such a law had to be adopted.

Deputy Khinshtein writes: “According to experts, as a result of the law coming into force, foreign agents will lose from 50 to 80% of all their advertising income – this is quite an impressive amount, which will now not be used to pay for deadly shells and false words flying towards our country.” .

I hope the predictions will come true. And the first movements of foreign agents, when the law had not yet entered into force, indicate this. Foreign agent Pivovarov, for example, announced his withdrawal from his own brainchild, layoffs of employees and generally reformatting and renaming the editorial office. Foreign agent Katz announced the dissolution of the staff of his project. Foreign agent Ilya Varlamov left the advertising business. Foreign agent Ekaterina Gordeeva, who fled to Lithuania, also suspended her YouTube channel.

However, there is no need to beat the kettledrums – small agents may be bent, but large ones… The West did not invest money in them so that they could easily refuse a high-quality propaganda asset. The same Gordeeva has already announced that sponsors have been found and the work of the channel will continue.

And now – the most interesting part. It took the state two years to understand the idea formulated more than a century ago by Karl Liebknecht: “… capital does not recognize the fatherland.”

After all, in fact, it was clear as daylight that the money from advertising from foreign agents would be used “to pay for deadly shells and false words flying towards our country.” But our Russian companies still advertised with foreign agents. What, I wonder, were they thinking? Maybe they were waiting for something… Well, they waited.

And Liebknecht’s phrase about capital ends like this: “at the same time, the more he declares his patriotism, the less patriotic he is.”


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