Putin authorized the supreme courts in the regions to recognize materials as extremist

Putin authorized the supreme courts in the regions to recognize materials as extremist


President Vladimir Putin signed a law that places categories of cases recognizing materials as extremist under the jurisdiction of regional supreme courts. Relevant document published on the portal of legal acts.

Previously, such cases were considered by district courts. Now the law allows filing lawsuits to recognize information materials as extremist in the supreme courts of republics, regional and regional courts, courts of federal cities and autonomous regions or districts. The courts may also involve copyright holders, publishers, authors of works and translations of relevant materials, if they are known. If the claim concerns a publication of a religious nature, the court will summon a specialist with knowledge of the relevant religion to the hearing.

The initiator of the innovations was the Chechen parliament. The law comes into force 10 days after publication. Artem Sheikin, a member of the Constitutional Committee of the Federation Council, said that the new law “will facilitate the objective and impartial consideration of cases on recognition of information materials as extremist.”

TFR reported, that by the end of 2023 it had sent 430 criminal cases of extremism to court. This is 62% more than a year earlier. At the Federal Penitentiary Service in Moscow talkedthat the majority of teenagers who end up in pre-trial detention centers are accused of extremist and terrorist offenses. In particular, in November 2023, the court sentenced 17-year-old Yegor Balazeikin, who tried to set fire to a military registration and enlistment office in the Leningrad region, to six years in a correctional colony.

Details – in the publication “Kommersant” “The arson of the military registration and enlistment office required education”.

Laura Keffer


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