Poplavskaya commented on Ivleeva’s apology after the party

Poplavskaya commented on Ivleeva’s apology after the party


Poplavskaya commented on Ivleeva’s apology after the “naked” party in Moscow

Actress Yana Poplavskaya spoke about TV presenter Anastasia Ivleeva’s apology for the “naked” party in Moscow. According to Poplavskaya, she did not notice any repentance from Ivleeva, she writes Teleprogramma.pro.

“Ivleeva was forced to apologize. They even wrote a text, which she read out from a prompter. Repentance did not work out,” the actress is sure.

Ivleeva previously stated that she would donate all the money raised from the scandalous party to charity. However, Poplavskaya saw malicious intent in this too; according to her, Ivleeva simply wants to “pay off with charity.”

“And Sobchak continues to stick to the line that there is no mourning, stop being sad, let’s party!” – the actress added.


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