Poplavskaya called Kirkorov strange because of his return to TV

Poplavskaya called Kirkorov strange because of his return to TV


Actress Poplavskaya was outraged by the TV channel that resumed work with Kirkorov

The performer of the role of Little Red Riding Hood, SVO activist Yana Poplavskaya angrily commented on the return of People’s Artist Philip Kirkorov to television screens. Earlier it became known that the federal channel resumed filming from a popular program with the participation of the singer.

On the social network, Poplavskaya wrote that the broadcast network was handed over “to cunning show producers,” thanks to whom “the unsinkable naked “king” Kirkorov returned to work.” Previously, Poplavskaya repeatedly criticized the singer and some other celebrities because of blogger Anastasia Ivleeva’s participation in the party.

“Really? <...> Is there any replacement for this “blue diamond”? – Poplavskaya was indignant. “Couldn’t you find a more talented artist?”

Poplavskaya is convinced that all viewers of the TV channel, like her, are outraged by Kirkorov’s behavior and the decisions of the producers. In this regard, she urged “not to watch, switch” the program and “not to remain silent.”


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