Pensioners warned against caring for grandchildren due to terrible disease

Pensioners warned against caring for grandchildren due to terrible disease


YSPH scientists: older people have an increased risk of pneumococcus when interacting with grandchildren

Scientists from the Yale School of Health (YSPH) and Pfizer have warned older people who look after young grandchildren every day. According to experts, they become carriers of the Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria six times more often.

The announcement was made at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in Barcelona. According to a study by scientists, about 2 million people worldwide die from pneumococcus every year.

The paper states that the main benefit of pneumococcal vaccination in adults is the direct protection of older people in contact with children.

It is noted that pneumococcal infections mainly affect children under two years of age and the elderly.


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