Oncologist warns heartburn could be a symptom of esophageal cancer

Oncologist warns heartburn could be a symptom of esophageal cancer


Heartburn after eating may indicate possible cancer of the esophagus, according to oncologist Andrey Isaev-Apostolov in an interview for the Doctor Peter portal.

The main causes of this type of cancer are smoking and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which occurs when stomach acid rises up into the esophagus, causing inflammation and heartburn.

The doctor explained that esophageal cancer due to GERD can occur if the disease does not receive proper attention and treatment for a long time. He pointed out the importance of early diagnosis and prompt medical attention when symptoms of GERD appear.

Additional risk factors are being overweight, drinking hot drinks, and chemical burns of the esophagus. In addition to heartburn, other symptoms of esophageal cancer should be looked out for, such as involuntary weight loss, sensation of a lump in the throat, frequent swallowing, vomiting, chest or back pain, and problems with stool.


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