Oncologist named risk factors for kidney cancer

Oncologist named risk factors for kidney cancer


Oncologist Altunin called age and heredity factors in the occurrence of kidney cancer

Oncourologist and specialist of the Oncology Center “SM-Clinic” Denis Altunin in an interview with “Moslente” named risk factors for kidney cancer.

He explained that, like other types of oncology, kidney cancer occurs if mutations occur in the DNA of body cells.

“It is difficult to name the specific reason why a person develops kidney cancer,” the oncologist noted.

However, as he said, “risk factors can be identified.”

First facto: heredity. Other factors: age, chronic kidney failure and other serious kidney disease, smoking and being overweight.

The main symptoms of the disease, according to the doctor, include fever, constant pain in the back or side, unreasonable weight loss, pink, red and dark brown urine with blood, constant fatigue.

He also said that these symptoms are already noticeable in the later stages of kidney cancer and most often the disease is found by chance, but during examinations.

The optimal method of prevention recommended by Altunin is a healthy lifestyle, which includes proper nutrition, exercise, weight control and the rejection of bad habits.


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