Nutritionist Mansurova called 9 products that you can eat even losing weight

Nutritionist Mansurova called 9 products that you can eat even losing weight


Nutritionist-nutritionist, psychotherapist Irina Mansurova in conversation with She said that not all fats that a person eats are harmful, and some of them can and should even be used in the process of losing weight. The specialist identified 9 types of products that can be attributed to healthy fats.

In particular, as Mansurova noted, one of the most nutritious fruits is the avocado, which contains omega-3 fatty acids, lutein and fiber, which helps to quickly satisfy hunger. In addition, according to the nutritionist, cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat content is of great benefit and does not harm the figure, and milk fat in its composition promotes fat burning due to linoleic acid.

The specialist noted that nuts are another source of healthy fat, and their calorie content is not particularly harmful to the figure, since it is associated with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Also, according to Mansurova, fatty fish, namely mackerel, salmon, trout, herring and salmon, are recommended for use on the diet due to the abundance of high-quality protein with a low content of saturated fats.

A nutritionist advises using vegetable oils, such as olive oil, argan oil, linseed oil, or grape seed oil. Mansurova believes that butter should be included in the diet, since natural butter contains a lot of healthy fats needed by the body, especially since it is well absorbed and highly nutritious.

Among the products with healthy fats, the specialist also singled out cod liver, lard and olives. At the same time, Mansurova recommends making sure that fatty foods fit into the daily calorie content, since only in this way can fats benefit.


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