Nikas Safronov came up with an unexpected punishment for the stars who left because of the SVO

Nikas Safronov came up with an unexpected punishment for the stars who left because of the SVO


The artist suggested sending them to a monastery after returning to Moscow

The rhetoric of stars who left Russia after the start of the Northern War has changed noticeably recently. If earlier they actively criticized Russia, making loud statements, now they behave more calmly. The crowd explains this by saying that most of the artists who left are actively thinking about returning to Moscow. Artist Nikas Safronov is sure of this. He believes that after returning to Russia, the relocants should be sent to a monastery to atone for their sins.

– Many people wonder: why did they leave? – Safronov argues. – After all, at one time they received a lot from the country – titles, money, benefits, and creative people – wonderful roles, the best songs. Many of them are honored people, whom the people truly loved. Then, when they left, in my opinion, their stress level began to go off scale due to the drastic changes that had occurred in the world,” the artist believes. – Probably someone wanted to escape from this stress by simply leaving Russia. And now they have calmed down a little and looked at all the problems from a different angle. And, besides, we encountered other problems in other countries, of which there are no less. They thought that they would be better off abroad, but over time they realized that they were mistaken, that no one needed them there. Therefore, they began to be tormented by longing for Russia.

“On the one hand, the Russian people are merciful,” Nikas continues. – We are always ready to accept the situation, and even to understand and forgive – especially when it comes to our own people, the Russians. But it’s one thing if, for some reason, you simply changed your country of residence, but you continue to treat your people, culture, art, and Russia as a whole with warmth and respect.

And it’s a completely different matter – if, like world hysteria, you “threw mud” at people with whom you only recently lived side by side, with whom you were friends, whom you loved and called “close”, and even worse – you welcomed the abolition of Russian culture, leveling the merits of our people in literature, science, etc. I don’t understand how this is even possible.

These people, having decided to return home, must repent, Nikas believes. – For example, go to a monastery for a while. There they will be able to cleanse their soul, get rid of internal and external anger, and engage in physical labor for the benefit of others. There is always work to be done in the monastery – there is a need to wash the floors, tend to the vegetable garden, build new churches, and help those in need. I believe that nothing ennobles a person more than sincere charitable activity.


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