Musk’s statement about a brain implant was called advertising

Musk's statement about a brain implant was called advertising


Professor Berardelli called Musk’s statement about introducing a chip into the brain an advertisement

The statement by American billionaire Elon Musk about introducing a chip into the human brain has no scientific component and looks like advertising. This statement was made by Alfredo Berardelli, a professor of medicine at the University of Rome la Sapienza, specializing in neurology, in an interview with RIA News. The scientist assured that he knew nothing about this study.

“There is not enough information because we do not know what kind of patient he is, what disorder he has, what kind of chip he had and where he was placed,” the professor said.

Earlier, Elon Musk said that the first person received the implant and feels good. According to the billionaire, the first data obtained on the operation of the chip show promising results.

Later, the businessman wrote on his social networks that the device would allow the owner to control a smartphone or computer with the power of thought.

Read also “The brain doesn’t work like that”: neurophysiologist Balaban debunked Musk’s “sensation” about implanted electrodes


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