Muscovites were told about the Scandinavian anticyclone, which will stop the rains

Muscovites were told about the Scandinavian anticyclone, which will stop the rains


In Moscow on Sunday it will be partly cloudy and up to plus 24 degrees, but on Monday night there will be intense rain showers, said Evgeniy Tishkovets, leading specialist at the Phobos weather center.

A cold front is forecast to begin crossing the region Monday night, bringing showers. “There is a possibility of mosaic thunderstorms,” Tishkovets said. “Up to 10 millimeters or 15% of the monthly precipitation will fall.”

On Monday, according to the expert, the Scandinavian anticyclone will again “seize the initiative” on the synoptic map. “The rains will stop in the morning and the weather will clear up,” the forecaster predicts. “Plus 18-20 degrees in Moscow.” Plus 16-21 degrees are expected in the region.


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