Moscow region judge extorted 15 million for the sake of her beloved son-in-law

Moscow region judge extorted 15 million for the sake of her beloved son-in-law


As a result, both

The Krasnogorsk city court approved the verdict to the servant of Themis – a retired judge of the judicial district No. 8 of Vidny near Moscow, Irina Borodina. She was found guilty of fraud. The woman planned to receive 15 million rubles, ostensibly to be transferred to a colleague, but in fact she intended to appropriate this money for herself. With the help of a bribe, she hoped to restore justice: it was for this amount that her son-in-law was “thrown” by unscrupulous developers.

As it became known to MK, the story began back in 2011, when the developer Guliyev (surname changed) started building low-rise cottages in the vicinity of Vidnoye. Moreover, at first the houses were built as a squatter, and only then Guliyev legalized them through the court. Among the buyers was a local entrepreneur, restaurant manager Vladislav Aleksanyan. How exactly the settlement took place, the participants in the transaction later described differently. Guliyev explained that the transfer of two apartments in the village of Bolshoye Savrasovo and two land plots to Aleksanyan was a payment for the service allegedly rendered by his mother-in-law, justice of the peace Borodina. It was she, according to the merchant, who helped legalize several squatter constructions, for which she received a gift. The restaurateur also said that he honestly paid an impressive amount for apartments in houses that have not yet been built. But he could not enjoy the new housing and his own estate – the affairs of Guliyev and his partner went from bad to worse, the construction of houses and land development stopped, bankruptcy proceedings loomed over the company. There were a lot of deceived buyers, they turned to the police, and a criminal case was opened against realtors for fraud. The fate of the accused was to be decided in the Vidnovsky city court. And then Irina Borodina entered the game again. The judge told Guliyev that she knew well the colleague who would consider his case and was ready to contribute to the fact that the developers would be given a suspended sentence. But it will cost… 15 million rubles. Say, that’s how much her son-in-law paid for land and one apartment (he managed to sell the second), which means that the conflict will be resolved fairly.

Guliyev met with Aleksanyan several times, came to his restaurant, hoping to reduce the price. As a result, he despaired and turned to the FSB. The transfer of money to the owner of the drinking establishment took place under the control of operatives. Immediately after that, the judge was also detained. She admitted that she wanted to leave the money in the family, but at the same time she really was going to try to persuade the judge of the Vidnovsky court not to put realtors in jail – they say, for some episodes the statute of limitations has already expired, and the probation is enough.

The Chairman of the TFR, Alexander Bastrykin, petitioned the Supreme Qualification Board of Judges to initiate a criminal case against Borodina. The petition was granted, and the Krasnogorsk City Court issued its verdict. Borodina received 5.5 years in prison, Aleksanyan – 4.5 years. Both were also fined half a million rubles.


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