Mobilized will not be compensated for the cost of equipment

Mobilized will not be compensated for the cost of equipment


The authorities will not compensate the mobilized for the purchase of their own uniforms and medicines. As the government explained, those called up are provided with “everything necessary for service, including uniforms, equipment, etc.”

“Therefore, the purchase by the mobilized of additional elements of uniforms, equipment, medicines, etc. is his personal initiative, and compensation for these expenses is not provided,” the government website said. “Explaining.rf”.

Since September 21, partial mobilization has been taking place in Russia. Against this background, the demand for military clothing and equipment has grown to 40%. Mobilized in some regions complained about the lack of equipment. In this regard, for example, on Sakhalin, a military uniform purchased regional government. Government thinks illegal requirement to mobilized themselves to buy equipment.

About complaints during mobilization – in the material “Kommersant” “Mobilization rewriting”.

Leonid Uvarchev


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