Mind games // Andrei Vinokurov on how the Kremlin moved from configuring the political system to working with the minds of Russians

Mind games // Andrei Vinokurov on how the Kremlin moved from configuring the political system to working with the minds of Russians


In the past year, the main news about the work of the Kremlin’s internal political bloc was connected not only and not so much with the political as with the public sphere. If earlier the bloc was more concerned with configuring the party-political system, now it has taken up work with the worldview of schoolchildren and students, which it had previously openly avoided doing. This barrier was passed after the start of a special military operation. At the end of 2022, the Expert Institute for Social Research, among other things, identified three “projects of the year”. This organization plays the role of a kind of think tank for the Kremlin’s internal political bloc, so it is not surprising that in fact it is he who is the author of the selected projects. At least two of them – “DNA of Russia” and “Conversations about the Important” – really became significant for the past year. And their very appearance speaks of a change in the vector and principles of the presidential administration. Over the years of working with domestic political topics, I got the impression that the Kremlin has always shared conventional…


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