Medinsky fell into ecstasy while talking about execution by hanging

Medinsky fell into ecstasy while talking about execution by hanging


He sings like a nightingale – you can listen to him. I’m serious. He’s a talker, but not a troublemaker. Medinsky really knows history like the back of his hand. The new season differs from the previous one in that here the lecturer often speaks in front of an audience. You should see how people listen to him! Holding breath. Where necessary, they laugh (Medinsky is also a humorist in places), where necessary, they reflect, and in peak places, young and old may inadvertently experience a treacherous tear. This is how Mr. Medinsky is artistic, so talented, insightful, intelligible, modern and relevant.

I was surprised, however, by one program. About Mikhail Muravyov, governor of Grodno and Vilna, who suppressed another Polish uprising during the time of Alexander II. After him, Muravyov was nicknamed the Hangman, no more and no less. Well, someone will say that this is slander, slander, that only the enemies of Russia could come up with such a slogan.

As for our hero, Vladimir Medinsky simply admired the warlike governor. Moreover, I also savored his exploits. He described in detail individual ceremonies of execution by hanging, while being in complete ecstasy. Well, yes, it’s so humane: mind you, you didn’t shoot, you just pulled the string, chick, and you’re already in heaven. However, history is not made with white gloves. And Pushkin gave the go-ahead to suppress the previous uprising of the Poles (“Slanderers of Russia”), and Stolypin, whom we now love so much (“You need great upheavals, we need a great Russia”), became famous for the “ties” of his own creation. It’s just that Vladimir Medinsky always seemed like a sweetheart, a good boy, a Tolstoyan, but here he’s a complete tough guy. Is this the time now?

Here Nadys Medinsky and his comrades created a new history textbook for the 10th grade. Vladimir Rostislavovich is good to everyone, but he has one, but fiery passion, with which he cannot do anything, no matter how you fight: our lecturer, the Minister of Culture in the past, once a prominent member of the State Duma, a PR man in life, believes that the authorities She is always right that she is from God, no matter what she does.

Stalin is trending again. If in the 90s only the lazy did not expose him, now the leader of the peoples is firmly built into the power vertical, and any slander against him, undermining him means discrediting the foundation with unpredictable consequences. Oh, no matter what happens.

So in the revered history textbook, Comrade Medinsky says that during the Great Patriotic War, the best friend of athletes correctly evicted individual nations to hell, because among them there were many traitors, accomplices of fascism, who took the side of our blood enemy. There is a crime, which means there must be punishment.

He reacted to this… That’s right, Ramzan Kadyrov. The head of Chechnya was indignant at this unscientific passage from the textbook and immediately received a response from the authors: we will fix everything, Ramzan Akhmatovich, as soon as possible, we ask for forgiveness.

Well, of course! They will correct the Chechens, but what about the Ingush? Kalmyks, Crimean Tatars, Volga Germans? Or is there not a brave man among these peoples with increased social responsibility, administrative and any other resources?

You don’t need to tell the dear man Medinsky twice, he already understood everything. And he will slightly correct his concept of sinless power: yes, she is always right, but sometimes, in places, a little bit… Well, there are some shortcomings. “If someone here and there sometimes doesn’t want to live honestly.” What am I talking about? Oh, yes… Medinsky’s program is wonderful, simply wonderful. Watch it and you will be happy.


“People meet, people fall in love, get married. I’m so unlucky in this that it’s just a disaster…” Let’s get married! Well, let’s get married. What do you feel sorry for, or what?

“Either I take her to the registry office, or she takes me to the prosecutor.” Program “Let’s get married!” took its rightful place on Channel One and looks like new again. It was as if nothing had happened.

However, it was. After the well-known events began, a big purge took place on TV. Some “fellow travelers” went to reforging. So Larisa Guzeeva, our “dowryless” woman, left without her signature symbolic shelter, was forced to go into the night, “to the village, to the wilderness, to Saratov,” to the Podcast.Lab channel. For those who didn’t understand, didn’t look, didn’t see: this is the same First, rear view, and very late.

Some will say: an honorable exile. Yes, here they will teach her to love her homeland. “Did you sing everything? This business. So go and dance!”

And for what, exactly? Why did Madame (“by the way, mademoiselle”, no, still madam) Guzeeva fall out of favor? I wasn’t there, I wasn’t a member, I didn’t participate. She didn’t talk too much, she only talked what was necessary. Ah, the program is frivolous! Well, that’s right, a good deal won’t be called a marriage. Kisses in the ranks, then the children will go… And then – divorce and maiden name. Don’t worry so much, it’s all a game, TV. What about our life?

The responsible employee, Guzeeva, passed the lice test. She didn’t fail a single night broadcast, she showed herself to be a smart, thoughtful person, a patriot to the core. Nordic character, merciless to enemies…

So they returned her. And the mother-in-law Roza Syabitova was also returned, no matter how much she talked about sexual compatibility. Let him speak!

The program is good and entertaining. In some places it’s even psychological. Real, invented – what’s the difference. Never mind, it’s all a game. Like life itself.


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