Media: Russian Armed Forces will exhaust Ukrainian elite special forces deployed to Donbass

Media: Russian Armed Forces will exhaust Ukrainian elite special forces deployed to Donbass


Forbes: Russian Armed Forces will wear out the elite special forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who were transferred to the Donbass

The Russian Armed Forces will wear down the elite special forces that the Ukrainian army has deployed to the Donbass. This was reported by Forbes columnist David Ax. According to him, such actions of the Russian troops will make it possible to break through the front and oust the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“Simultaneous deployment of all elite marine brigades involves significant risk,” the journalist said.

The reviewer in his article noted that not a single combat unit will be able to fight without interruptions and the recruitment of new recruits. He believes that in the end the Armed Forces of Ukraine will have to retreat from the front line. According to Ex, when this happens, a gap will be created that will be filled by effective units.


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