“Living in rented housing is more harmful than smoking”: scientists have discovered a frightening connection

“Living in rented housing is more harmful than smoking”: scientists have discovered a frightening connection


The discovery, which seriously puzzled the inhabitants of “removable corners” in different parts of the planet, was made by a joint group of English and Australian geneticists. Having familiarized ourselves with the findings of foreign scientists, we asked for the opinions of their domestic colleagues.

The result of a large-scale study, which showed that renters age faster than homeowners, initially surprised geneticists themselves from the universities of Essex and Adelaide. Interviewing a focus group of 1.5 thousand people, studying their anamnesis and blood tests for genetic indicators, scientists initially looked for the physiological causes of the so-called “epigenetic changes” that affect the behavior of genes responsible for the aging of the human body in all respects – from external signs until the internal organs wear out. However, all the subjects who showed an epigenetic failure had in common the only thing they had to do was the need to pay monthly rent for housing owned by another person.

“In Russian-speaking medicine, such changes in gene expression (as their response to biochemical signals of the body) are more often called “biological clocks,” explains geneticist Tatyana Tarannik. – Many of us have also tried and are trying to guess their riddle, but no one has a clear answer yet. Due to something happening in our body, the behavior of certain genes in some people changes to be more active than normal, or, conversely, less active. As a result, one person at 50 looks like he is 30, vigorous and cheerful, while his peer with a similar lifestyle seems to be 70 years old and is always groaning “from old age,” although he has no history of chronic diseases. Of course, humanity would like to get an exact answer: what does this depend on? But he’s not there yet.

– But Western geneticists claim that the detected gene activity in tenants ages the body faster than smoking…

– Yes of course. But doctors have a saying: sometimes the harm of giving up a bad habit exceeds its benefit. The point is that stress is the most harmful thing to our body. And if you abruptly give up any habit, stress is guaranteed.

– But what does renting an apartment have to do with it?

– This is the body’s stress response to “bird rights” and unsettled conditions. After all, your own home is one of the basic human needs.

The report of the British-Australian research group also mentions the unemployed: in terms of stress levels they are catching up with smokers, but renters are ahead of them all.

“Of course, tenants are missing the entire “second floor” of Maslow’s pyramid,” said Oksana Soboleva, a psychologist in the HR department of a large state corporation. – In business today, not only everyone knows this pyramid, but they also use it. Based on the pyramid of everyone’s needs, managers determine and support the motivation of employees, depending on the situation, choosing the “carrot” or “stick”, as well as their subtypes – bonuses or fines, certificates or public honors, money or additional days off – who needs what more. It happens that an employee does not need anything at all, he is ready to work even for free and without days off, as long as he is respected. And not receiving due respect, he, on the contrary, fails at work. Without understanding this, the company may lose valuable personnel. This is what a psychologist in the HR department is needed for, he helps to get the best out of everyone.

Maslow’s pyramid is conventionally called the “hierarchy of human needs”, derived in the 20th century by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow in the form of a pyramid. According to his theory, our needs and priorities are built from lower to higher, from basic to highest, while a qualitative transition to the next “floor” is not possible if the previous one is missing or “incomplete.” This is what the “seven-story house” of our needs looks like according to Maslow.

1st floor or basement: satisfaction of basic needs – food, sleep, sex.

2nd floor: the need for safety, comfort, stability and confidence in the future – this is your own corner, which no one can take away or prevent you from privacy there, if a person needs it, and your own source of income.

3rd floor: the need for love, friendship, support and socialization: when a person has food and a roof over his head, he is ready to love and be friends, and on this “floor” we want to start a family, make friends and become part of a team.

4th floor: respect and recognition – if a person did not “skip” the 3rd floor, but lived on it properly, one day he will be drawn to the 4th floor, where they “give” a sense of self-worth, high status, confirmation of achievements and approval of great number of people.

5th floor: aesthetic and cognitive needs – acquiring new knowledge, creativity, science, art, etc.

6th floor: harmony – those who have reached this level begin to want to harmonize life, fill it with beauty and kindness.

7th floor: according to Maslow himself, only 2% of people reach it. Having risen to the top of the pyramid (and hierarchy of needs), he strives to find his purpose and develop his abilities in order to perform a free benefit for all living things.

If someone strives with all his might to go to the 3rd floor or even immediately to the 4th, but at the same time he does not have a 2nd floor, he is guaranteed stress, which, according to doctors, can result in anything with a sign “minus”: early aging, addiction to bad habits, obesity, insomnia, loss of libido in women and impotence in men, panic attacks and other problems with health and well-being.


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