Leaders of the Yunarmiya movement of Pomorye are learning to parachute

Leaders of the Yunarmiya movement of Pomorye are learning to parachute


Arkhangelsk Yunarmiya paratroopers opened the jumping season in Vologda. The event was held with the support of the regional budget. Until the end of October, it is planned to organize about 20 such trips for the guys.

Among those who first tried themselves as a parachutist is 18-year-old Severodvinsk Vladislav Volodin. This year he is graduating from a technical school, and intends to devote his future life to serving in the Russian Armed Forces. However, for additional points when entering the Ryazan Guards Higher Airborne School of the Airborne Forces, he lacked independent parachute jumps. He did it this weekend.

Vladislav decided to become a military man following the example of his father. Dmitry Volodin did military service in the airborne troops in Pskov, then he was a contract soldier, went through the Chechen campaign, after which he continued to serve at the White Sea naval base in Severodvinsk. Last year he was sent to the zone of the special military operation, where he was seriously wounded. For military merits, Volodin Sr. was awarded the Order of Courage.


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