Lavrov: The West is accustomed to solving its own problems at the expense of others

Lavrov: The West is accustomed to solving its own problems at the expense of others


The West is accustomed to solving its own problems at the expense of others and exploiting other people’s resources, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said during a speech at the Knowledge Society marathon as part of the Russia exhibition.

Lavrov spoke about the development of a multipolar world, in particular about the expansion of BRICS and the work of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). “It is clear that the collective West, led by the United States, is trying to reverse these objective trends. The West is accustomed to solving its own problems at the expense of others and exploiting other people’s resources. As Putin said: “to extract the rent of the hegemon,” the minister noted.

According to him, Western countries “still, contrary to all objective processes, cherish the hope of ruling the world” and “telling other countries with whom and how to develop ties.” Lavrov called Western intervention methods of attempts to sow chaos, quarrel between countries and peoples, and aggravate interethnic and interreligious contradictions.

“Now we see how the Anglo-Saxons are literally pushing the Middle East to the brink of a big war,” the minister said. He cited the situation in Ukraine as an example, adding that “there are many examples, but the result is the same.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin on September 30 last year, the day of the annexation of new regions to Russia, said that the West “is ready to step over everything to preserve the neocolonial system that allows it to parasitize, in fact, to rob the world through the power of the dollar and technological dictatorship.” .

At the same time, the president noted that it is in the interests of Western countries to “extract the hegemon’s rent,” the preservation of which is “an absolutely selfish motive.


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