Kostomarov skated on the ice for the first time after amputation – Kommersant

Kostomarov skated on the ice for the first time after amputation - Kommersant


Olympic ice dancing champion Roman Kostomarov skated on the ice for the first time since his feet were amputated. He published a video from the training on Telegram-channel.

“As promised, I went on the ice! Only my parents saw my first steps on the ice as a child. You can say that I’m learning again, and now the whole country will see my first steps,” the video description says.

The athlete also said that on March 8 there will be a premiere of a documentary film about the history of his illness and recovery after operations. “Everything is carefully documented by the film crew, which accompanies me and Oksana (Roman Kostomarov’s wife Oksana Domnina) every day.— “Ъ”). There will be a great movie. All the details will come later,” he added.

In January, Roman Kostomarov was hospitalized with a severe form of pneumonia. He developed sepsis. Doctors amputated the athlete’s legs at the knee and the fingers of both hands. From the hospital discharged in July. He spent 175 days there.


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