“Kommersant”: the football World Cup in Qatar “intrigues the unsteadiness of the alignment”

"Kommersant": the football World Cup in Qatar "intrigues the unsteadiness of the alignment"


The FIFA World Cup, which starts on Sunday in Qatar, will be started by the national teams of Qatar and Ecuador. The Mundial, according to Kommersant, from the point of view of the alignment looks more mysterious than the championships that were held before it.

It’s all about the complete absence of teams that fully meet the criteria of iron favorites, as well as the specifics of the tournament: it is held at the height of the season, while the strongest players and teams for the first time were deprived of a key stage of preparation for the main championship.

The publication notes that before the Qatari championship, “in a more or less traditional favorite shortlist, you can’t see a team” that would meet 100% of the criteria for the “correct” championship champion: “such that there is nothing to catch on to.”

“Kommersant” called the Spaniards and the Dutch “damp”. Belgians and Croats – not vigorous enough.

“The Portuguese have a problem with Cristiano Ronaldo, who is going through a difficult period in his life,” the newspaper notes, the Germans have “a long train of breakdowns in important matches.”

The British “played mediocre this year”, the French “revealed difficulties with midfield – with both creative and destructive links.”

A survey of thirteen great football experts showed that seven of them vote for the Brazilian national team, 3 for the Argentina national team.

However, they often used “irrational arguments” like the fact that for Lionel Messi the gold of the championship would be a triumph of justice at the end of his career.

But with rational arguments, everything turned out to be much more complicated.


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