Kherson authorities reported fires in the forests near the flooded Aleshki

Kherson authorities reported fires in the forests near the flooded Aleshki


The head of the government of the Russian-controlled part of the Kherson region, Andrei Alekseenko, said that large fires had started in the forests near the flooded Aleshki. According to him, they are due to shelling from Ukraine. He noted that the most difficult situation in the region is in Aleshki.

“The most difficult situation is now in Aleshki. The city is almost completely flooded. And on the other hand, large forest fires after the shelling of the Nazis, ”wrote Mr. Alekseenko in Telegram.

He also informedthat evacuation from the city is possible only on special equipment. Now all-terrain trucks – Urals and KamAZ trucks, as well as rescue boats of the Ministry of Emergency Situations – are sent to the city. There are communication problems in the city.

Part of Kakhovskaya HPP collapsed early this morning, June 6th. Water flooded Novaya Kakhovka, Aleshki, and partly Kherson. Authorities are evacuating local residents. 150 tons of engine oil got into the Dnieper. Russia and Ukraine accuse each other of undermining the hydroelectric power station. According to one version, the dam could also collapse due to previous damage.

What happens on the 468th day after the entry of Russian troops into Ukraine – in online broadcasts “b”.


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