Kazan announced “language guarantees” // Tatarstan saw the fight against Anglicisms as a threat to national languages

Kazan announced “language guarantees” // Tatarstan saw the fight against Anglicisms as a threat to national languages


Tatarstan intends to defend the right of regions to name residential complexes and infrastructure facilities in national languages. The State Council of the Republic believes that the ban on such names involves amendments to the federal law on the state language of the Russian Federation introduced in the State Duma, which are aimed at combating Anglicisms. The deputies of the republic decided to come up with a proposal to supplement the document with “the possibility of using the state languages ​​of the republics and the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation in the areas designated by the bill”, “so that the fight against foreign borrowing… does not affect the right of peoples to preserve their native language, guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.” The Parliament of Tatarstan intends to submit its proposals to the State Duma by the end of November.


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