Journalist Sorokin advised the Ukrainian rapper Potap to follow the example of Rotaru

Journalist Sorokin advised the Ukrainian rapper Potap to follow the example of Rotaru


“She understands that she is far from politics”

Ukrainian rapper Alexei Potapenko, known as Potap, regularly speaks negatively about Russia and his colleagues, criticizing the special operation being carried out in Ukraine. Journalist Denis Sorokin is very sorry for Potap, because, in his opinion, the artist has completely lost face, although he has never been particularly popular in Russia.

In an interview with Express Newspaper Sorokin noted that Potap and Nastya Kamensky were popular at corporate parties, “drinks and partying”, where they entertained Russian people. According to the expert, they never had big tours, like Kirkorov or Allegrova, but to some extent they were in demand. Nevertheless, the journalist stressed that Potap, like many other Ukrainian performers, forgot about his mission – to please the public with his “second-rate works.”

At the same time, as Sorokin noted, now the artist thought that he understood politics, so he began to give instructions to everyone, although his attempts look “pathetic”, especially his quarrels with Russian colleagues. The journalist recalled that for another five to ten years, Potap considered it happiness for artists of the first magnitude to communicate with him.

The expert believes that the rapper should stop interfering in what is happening, because politicians will figure it out without ordinary people, and if he is smart, he should bring peace and call for the conflict to end with peaceful negotiations. With his statements, according to Sorokin, Potap only inflames the situation, showing himself to be stupid.

The journalist advised him to follow the example of Sofia Rotaru, who does not make statements in the media about the special operation. Sorokin believes that the singer realizes that she is far from politics, and the “powerful ones” will figure it out without her. The expert called her a “real artist” and added that artists should not interfere in what is happening. According to Sorokin, if they have the opportunity to help people, then it is better for them to do this, and not to make any statements. The journalist concluded that it was “not from a great mind.”

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