It became known about mass counterfeiting of coffee supplied to Russia

It became known about mass counterfeiting of coffee supplied to Russia


Businessmen announced massive counterfeiting of coffee supplied to the Russian Federation

Russian entrepreneur Alexey Matveev, who has been working in Rwanda for 20 years and supplies agricultural equipment, in an interview said that the quality of coffee supplied to the Russian Federation from African countries remains at a “below average” level. According to him, the highest grade Arabica in packs exported to the country is often replaced with Robusta.

“I saw how businessmen from Moscow come to Africa in the hope of getting rich from coffee… But in the end they admit that they are not interested in the good quality of the drink at all…” he said.

According to him, businessmen put cheap Indian grain in the packaging and add a maximum of 15% Rwandan coffee. As Matveev noted, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, varieties of such coffee are often found as diluted varieties from Sri Lanka, where they are absolutely tasteless.

The expert added that even during a recent check in British supermarkets, 33% of “Robusta” was found in Arabica in separate packs, and this shows what may be happening in the Russian Federation.


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