Internet and telephone services have partially returned to Gaza

Internet and telephone services have partially returned to Gaza


Internet and telephone communications are gradually being restored in the Gaza Strip. About this with reference to the local operator Paltel Group reports Al Jazeera TV channel.

“Our technical teams are diligently repairing damage to the internal network infrastructure in difficult conditions,” the channel quoted the company as saying.

According to Al Jazeera, the Internet and phones were down for about 36 hours after air attacks knocked out communication lines and towers.

October 27 Israel stated about the start of a ground operation in the Gaza Strip. After this, the Palestinian telecommunications company Jawwal announced a shutdown of mobile communications and the Internet. Minister of Communications of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) Yitzhak Sadr reported that the department is negotiating with the satellite company Starlink to restore communications in the Gaza Strip. October 28, American entrepreneur Elon Musk promisedthat Starlink satellite communications services will be provided to internationally recognized organizations that provide assistance in the Gaza Strip.


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