International Fudokan Karate-do World Cup competitions will be held in Ivanovo

International Fudokan Karate-do World Cup competitions will be held in Ivanovo


On March 8-10, the Palace of Team Sports will host large-scale and spectacular Fudokan Karate-do competitions, Ivanovo Mayor Vladimir Sharypov announced today on his VKontakte page.

To date, more than a thousand participants have already registered to take part in the competition. Belarus, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Cyprus, Serbia, Spain, Italy and other countries will send their athletes to Ivanovo. The founder of the fudokan style of traditional karate, martial arts master from Serbia Ilya Iorga, will arrive at the competition as an honorary guest.

On February 17, the head of Ivanovo, Vladimir Sharypov, the head coach of the Ivanovo Budosan Academy of Martial Arts, Rudolf Grigoryan, and coach Pavel Gorshkov met to discuss preparations for the tournament. Among other issues, a cultural and excursion program for foreign athletes was discussed during the meeting. Some teams will arrive in Ivanovo a week in advance, in order to have time to acclimatize before the start of the competition.

We wrote earlier: Guest of Honor Ivanovo Palace of Team Sports became a landing raccoon Kherson.


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