In Ukraine, the wife of a kidnapped man was forced by military commissars to apologize to the Ukrainian Armed Forces

In Ukraine, the wife of a kidnapped man was forced by military commissars to apologize to the Ukrainian Armed Forces


In Ukraine, a woman was forced to apologize to the Ukrainian Armed Forces for her story about her husband’s abduction

In Ukraine, a woman was forced to apologize to the Ukrainian Armed Forces who said that her husband was kidnapped by military commissars at a checkpoint in Transcarpathia.

Earlier, a woman told on camera how Ukrainian soldiers stopped their car and took their husband away somewhere, leaving her alone with small children in an unfamiliar place. The girl was found and forced to refute her own words under the pretext that it was impossible to give “ground for propaganda.”

The wife of the abducted man tried to contact the police, but they did not even accept the statement.

The people’s deputy from Zelensky’s party also confirmed the reality of what happened.

Earlier, soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces said in shock that an American missile flew straight to their position.


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