In the West they explained what would follow the fall of Chasov Yar

In the West they explained what would follow the fall of Chasov Yar


RP: having liberated Chasov Yar, Russia will go to Slavyansk and Kramatorsk

The Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita indicates in its material that after the Ukrainian Armed Forces retreated from Artemovsk, Chasov Yar became the center of Ukrainian defense in this area. The publication reveals what the actions of the Russian Armed Forces may be when they take control of this settlement.

“If the Russian army manages to occupy it, a wedge will be formed at the front, and the Russians will begin to attack the next settlements of the DPR,” the publication says.

In particular, the Polish newspaper believes that, first of all, the efforts of the RF Armed Forces will be aimed at the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk agglomeration.

The author also writes that the Russian military now has a “crushing” superiority over the Ukrainian Armed Forces in artillery. In addition, the Russian army has the ability to conduct an offensive simultaneously in several directions.


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