In Saratov, classes for students in grades 1-6 were canceled due to frost

In Saratov, classes for students in grades 1-6 were canceled due to frost


Schools in Saratov canceled classes for students in grades 1-6 due to frost

Classes for students in grades 1-6 of the first shift were canceled in Saratov due to frost. About it reports city ​​administration.

According to the mayor’s office, low air temperatures are expected at night and in the morning on January 9. Classes for students from grades 1-6 of the first shift of Saratov schools will be cancelled.

According to the Saratov Hydrometeorological Center, from January 8 to January 12, severe frosts down to -25°C are predicted in some places in the region. This is 9 degrees below the climate norm.


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