In Russia, measures to implement the new International Classification of Diseases have been suspended

In Russia, measures to implement the new International Classification of Diseases have been suspended


Mishustin suspended measures to implement the new International Classification of Diseases

The Russian government has suspended measures to implement the new International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). This is discussed in Cabinet resolutionsigned by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

The document approved by WHO came into force in 2022. Then Russia began to implement it at home.

Meanwhile, ICD-11 was criticized in the Russian Orthodox Church, calling it promoting “alien values.” The Ministry of Health, in turn, allowed partial use of the classifier in our country.

An innovation in ICD-11 was, in particular, the renaming of the term “transsexualism” to “gender inconformity”. This disease was also moved from the category of “mental disorders and behavioral disorders” to another section, namely “conditions associated with sexual behavior.”

In 2023, gender reassignment was legally prohibited in the Russian Federation, and the “international LGBT movement” was recognized as an extremist organization.

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