In honor of the 10th anniversary of the GTO, sporting events will be held in the Kostroma region

In honor of the 10th anniversary of the GTO, sporting events will be held in the Kostroma region


Sports are actively supported in the Kostroma region. Currently, more than 136,000 people are participating in the GTO program. The region ranks high in the implementation of this program. At the end of last year, he took third place in the all-Russian ranking. 25,315 people passed the standards, of whom 84% successfully completed the tasks and received badges.

Creating conditions for the development of sports includes the construction of multifunctional sports grounds. Since 2017, within the framework of the federal project “Sport is the norm of life” and the national project “Demography”, 23 such facilities have been built in the region.

This year marks 10 years since the beginning of the revival of the physical education and sports program “Ready for Labor and Defense.” In honor of this event, the Kostroma region plans to carry out mass implementation of standards.

The central event will be the passing of the standards this Saturday at the Urozhay stadium in Karavaevo. Everyone can try their hand at running short and long distances, strength exercises, bending and jumping.


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