Ice with seals drove to the Barguzinsky Reserve from the north

Ice with seals drove to the Barguzinsky Reserve from the north


Unexpectedly, ice drove to the Barguzinsky Reserve from the north, according to Telegram-channel “Reserved Podlemorie”.

Powerful fields of winter hummocks freeze to a great depth and during the formation of the Baikal ice cover, they persist for quite a long time. The first decade of June has already ended, and these ices continue to drift along Baikal.

“On the ice, passengers will not be overwhelmed,” the report says. The Baikal seal is “delighted with such ice.” For a freshwater seal, it is possible to lie serenely on them, exposing their sides to the rays of the sun. It becomes possible to successfully complete the molting process. Right from the ice floe you can hunt golomyankas, longwing gobies and yellowwing gobies.

There are thousands of seals on the ice floes. Apparently, part of the northern population set off on a journey along Baikal to the south towards the Ushkany Islands archipelago, where they will find a reliable shelter for the summer period within the borders of the Trans-Baikal National Park.


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