Fyodor Dobronravov canceled all performances for the year due to serious surgery

Fyodor Dobronravov canceled all performances for the year due to serious surgery


Russian actor Fyodor Dobronravov has canceled all performances for the coming year due to the fact that he needs to undergo rehabilitation after a major operation. Writes about this SHOT.

According to the channel, on February 28, the “Matchmakers” star went to the hospital complaining of pain in the spine and neck. After the CT scan, the 62-year-old actor underwent urgent surgery to remove the discosteophytic complex (degenerative formations due to complications of osteochondrosis) at the level of two vertebrae.

On March 7, Dobronravov was discharged, and now he faces a long course of rehabilitation. Because of this, performances with Dobronravov’s participation are canceled and postponed.


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