FSIN employees burned down a general regime colony

FSIN employees burned down a general regime colony


In the Sverdlovsk region, a correctional colony was burned down as part of the liquidation

In Ivdel, Sverdlovsk region, the procedure for liquidating general regime correctional colony number 62 is underway. How writes Ura.ru, events are held according to a special mechanism: before this, furniture is removed from the building and all metal is collected. Next comes combustion.

“Fire brigades from IK-63 are taking part in the liquidation,” said Alexander Levchenko, head of the GUFSIN press service.

It is indicated that the decision to liquidate the colony in November last year was made due to the fact that the depreciation of the facility was 100% and the colony became unprofitable. The colony employees who wanted to continue working were employed in new places, the department assured. After the liquidation of IK-62, only IK-63 remained in the city.


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