Food grown in space turns out to be poisonous

Food grown in space turns out to be poisonous


Greens grown in space turned out to be poisonous

Recent research aboard the International Space Station (ISS) has shown that growing fruits and vegetables in zero gravity is possible. However, recent reports published in the journal Natureindicate a serious problem – space plants turned out to be poisonous.

Scientists have found that they have become vulnerable to infection by dangerous microorganisms such as Salmonella enterica. This discovery has important implications for food safety in space. Due to the zero-gravity conditions on the ISS, plants’ immune systems are weakened, making them more susceptible to attack by bacteria and fungi.

Research has shown that even thorough water treatment cannot guarantee the safety of contaminated greens. This highlights the need to develop new methods of protecting crops in spaceflight so that astronauts can enjoy fresh and safe food far from Earth.


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